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CI/CD 101 notes

·1 min·
Table of Contents


  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration

  • Check-in code
  • Build
  • Run autontion test

Merge code to main branch erly and often. test faaster than 5 mins or t least shorter thn 15 mins


  • Sttic Analysis
  • Unit tests
  • Regression tests
  • Acceptance e2e tests
  • Performance tests

Artifact management

Artifact storge

  • Repository
  • Metatdata
  • Package
  • Repo server

Docker registry (store docker image)

  • Registry - hosts Docker repo
  • Repository - continer for particular Docer image versiobs

Continuous Delivery

  • Deploy to env
  • Acceptance test
  • Promotion

Every change is proven to be deployable at any time. Visibility - all aspects of the system are visible to every team member Feedback - Team members are notified about CD problems ASAP and fix them ASAP. Automted deployment - any version can be deployed to any env.

Continuous Deployment

  • Change management
  • Deploy to production

Means that every change is automaticlly deployed to prod. In order to do so CD relies on the results of Continious Delivery vallidation.


PreCommit stage

  • Change/Pull Request
  • Code review Min build stage
  • Merge
  • Build
  • Test
    • Prepare
    • Deploy
    • Run tests
    • Teardown
  • Promote
    • Optional Nightly stage
  • Deploy

CD practices

  • Sanity check
  • Validation
  • Automated rollback


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